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Meeting Room Policy and Fees

Usage policies for the large meeting room and the Legacy Room, and the rental fees for each.

Meeting Room Reservation Request Form PDF

Meeting Room Policies

The library welcomes the use of its meeting room for activities which reflect the library's mission. Reservations for each room are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Scheduling preference is given to any library-sponsored program.

  • The meeting room holds approximately 82 people. 
  • The Legacy Room holds 15.

Use of the rooms must be open to the public, with the exception of companies who use our room for trainings where the meeting is not open to the public.  They must be used during regular library hours, or, for an additional fee as provided below, during hours before or after the library opens (but not before 7 a.m. or later than one-half hour after closing. The rooms are not available on days that the library is closed. The use of the rooms shall not produce excessive noise or otherwise interfere with or disrupt the Library's operation or the quiet use and enjoyment of the Library by patrons.

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Smoking, open flames of any kind or melted wax, alcoholic beverages, gambling, and the use of hazardous materials are not allowed. All groups using the rooms must comply with local and state laws and regulations.

The rooms are reserved for use by educational, civic, cultural, intellectual, governmental, political, religious, charitable or other nonprofit groups or organizations for noncommercial and nonprofit purposes and by other groups or organizations for educational purposes such as seminars or training programs. No group or organization will be excluded based on their affiliations or beliefs. Permissions granted for the use of the rooms does not imply an endorsement of the user or the user's beliefs by the Library Board or staff members, and no group or organization shall state or imply in its publicity that the Library sponsors or endorses the meeting, the group or organization, or any particular set of ideas. Groups or organizations may not use the library's name or address as their own address or location.

Commercial sales and promotion of businesses are prohibited. However, the Library reserves the right to use the meeting room for fundraising activities for the benefit of the Library. Use of the rooms for private social events such as parties, receptions, family reunions, showers and similar functions are also prohibited.

Admission fees for activities in the rooms may not be charged, but a fee for supplies used in conjunction with a workshop may be charged. Voluntary donations may be solicited, but those choosing not to donate shall not be denied admission or participation in the meeting or event.

Groups or organizations using the rooms agree to indemnify and hold the library harmless from any and all suits, actions, claims, liabilities or demands of any nature arising or resulting from use of the building or portion thereof and its premises, and the library assumes no obligation respecting use of the building by the user. Cost of damages to the building, furnishings and equipment beyond normal wear must be paid by the group or individual using the building at the time damage occurs. Groups or organizations assume full responsibility for providing and paying for special accommodations that are requested by participants in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Application for permission to use either room is made to the Library Director or his/her designee on the prescribed forms. The application must be signed by the local head of the group requesting to use the room and the authorized person in charge of the activity. If the Library Director denies the application for failure to conform to this policy, the applicant may submit a written appeal to the Library Board within five (5) business days of the Library Director's decision. The decision of the Library Board, on a timely written appeal, shall be final.

The booking calendar runs from January 1 through December 31. The rooms may be booked not more than six (6) months in advance. In order to accommodate public demand for use of the rooms, weekly or bi-weekly events scheduled by  the same party are limited to not more than 6 consecutive months and use by a single group or organization may not exceed a total of 12 meetings per calendar year. The library has the right to cancel any use of the meeting room and to suspend or terminate future use of the meeting room by any group or organization that violates this meeting room policy or violates other library rules and regulations. The Library reserves the right to cancel use of the meeting room due to inclement weather or other closures of the Library building. The library must be notified by the renting group 24 hours in advance if cancellation of a meeting becomes necessary. Failure to notify the library of a cancellation may result in forfeiture of the deposit. No group or organization may assign or transfer the use of the meeting room to another group or organization.

The kitchen facility may be used to serve light refreshments. The kitchen and rooms must be clean and in the order found. If the facility is not left clean, there will be an additional custodial charge. Furniture and equipment may not be moved without prior permission. Library facilities may not be altered in any way, including fixing signage, posters, streamers, balloons, etc., to walls, furniture, or blinds. Items belonging to the renter may not be stored at the library. Equipment of any kind not provided by the Library may not be used without the prior written approval of the Library Director or his/her designee.

Rental Fees

Programs sponsored by the Library and/or Friends of the Library may use the library during regular library hours at no charge.

 Not-for-profit groups or organizations based within the library district as well as the constituent governmental entities of the Library (City of Whitehall, Whitehall Township, Fruitland Township, and Whitehall District Schools) and their boards, commissions, and agencies may use the facility during regular library hours at no charge.

 All other Meeting Room reservations must be accompanied by a $15 deposit ($10 deposit for the Legacy Room), which will be applied to the rental. Invoices for meeting room use will be sent at the end of each month or quarterly. If payment is not made within 30 days of the invoice date, a late fee of $10 will be charged.

Rate for meeting room during regular library hours $15 per hour
Rate for Friends’ Legacy Room during regular library hours$10 per hour
Rate for combined areas during regular library hours$25 per hour
Additional charge for use outside normal hours $20 per hour